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Get Jobs

Imagine having a long list of transcription jobs and needing to find just the right ones—whether they're complete, in progress, or need filtering by language. The Get Jobs API endpoint is like sifting through a warehouse of tasks, allowing you to filter by status, language, and even paginate through the results. Efficiency at its best!


Tweak the query parameters to narrow down your search for jobs. Adjust status, language, offset, and limit to get the perfect batch of results.

statuscompletedstringNoFilter jobs by their status (e.g., processing, completed).
languageenstringNoRetrieve jobs filtered by language (e.g., en, es).
offset0intNoThe starting point for pagination.
limit5intNoThe maximum number of jobs to return.


Essential keys to unlock the data:

x-api-key{{x-api-key}}Your unique API key for secure access.
x-user-id{{x-user-id}}Your user identifier for added security and tracking.

Code Snippets

Use any of the following code snippets to fetch your filtered jobs in your preferred programming language:

Example - cURL
curl --location '' \
--header 'x-user-id: 6757f3ffb5e62f0ce0e513a2' \
--header 'x-api-key: ••••••'


A confirmation message will be returned, indicating the successful retrieval of the selected jobs.

🎉 Congratulations

You're now equipped to filter through jobs and retrieve exactly what you need. With this API endpoint, managing transcription projects has never been easier. Happy filtering!